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see abatement state thingy ​ Residential facilities may not be approved unless it is multifamily of which at least 20% of the units are for low – moderate income individuals OR is in an economic development target area OR is designated as a residentially distressed area. ​ ​ no longer seeing a benetif to the warehouses being in plainfield due to the fact that the number of employees that work at the warehouses are not from plainfied, payroll taxes paid by employee and employer go to the entire the state, the county, and plainfield, the town has had a significant infrastructure increase to accomodate the warehoues, drug rate crime rate increase, hire more police, suboxone clinics, cirta that we pay for doesn't serve plainfield, taxes the town receives is from real estate and property taxes - these large businesss who are supposed to hold down our property taxes in the town is not true. abatement are gone theyll move, reapply,  - empty warehouses which are is partk 100.  significant amount of tax plainfield gets is from real estate and property and -- citizens paying for .majority of people who live in plainfield do not work at the warehousesdid not start out as a era area, but with heavy handed way in which our council memebers have thoughtlessly brought in undesireable number of warehouses these are becoming eras - fo r example interstate 70 interchange with drug hotels and unoccupiable businesses because town will not let desirable business proactively requested to occupy these location - rather let trash accumulate and retition ponds, parking lots rather than have a business occupy those locations - i.e., chik filet and culvers. only have multiple complaiants and threats to contact the state has the town gotten parking lot cleaned up. town dowesn enfoce codes on these unoccupied businesses; however we they do on us.this is our fault. left the same guys in charge. we don't attend meetings. we dont ask questions or challenge what has become the status quoavon comparison due to choices - go to greenwood, indiana polis or avon for choices of places to eat even thought traffic awful - plainfield limited choices....impacts towns taxes

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