The Prewitt

In 2017 the Town Council formally declared it's interest in purchasing 119 and 121 W Main St in downtown Plainfield for redevelopment. See Resolution 2017-35 for details.
119 W Main St is comprised of two parcels of land that:
32-10-34-234-003.000-012 (2018 tax valuation $ 4,600)
32-10-34-234-004.000-012 (2018 tax valuation $ 87,800)
121 W Main St is comprised of one parcel of land:
32-10-34-234-002.000-012 (2019 tax valuation $ 128,600)
On June 5, 2018, the Town of Plainfield purchased these properties for a total of $ 492,450:
32-10-34-234-003.000-012 for $ 157,450
32-10-34-234-004.000-012 for $ 157,450
32-10-34-234-002.000-012 for $ 177,550
The properties appraised for $ 238,500.
The Town subsequently spent an additional $500,000 on building and structural issues with the properties. See RDC Resolution 2021-06.
After investing nearly $1 million ($ 992,450) in to the Prewitt properties, the Town GIFTS the properties to Keller Huff Group LLC. Yes, GIFT means gave away for $ 0.
The Prewitt Restaurant & Lounge opened November 3, 2022.
Editorial Comments and Thoughts by Kim White
Why is this an issue for me?
Our tax payer dollars were spent to purchase these buildings - $ 492,450
We paid over 2x what the properties were appraised for - $ 238,500
The Town spent money making repairs to the buildings - $ 500,000
Total Town money invested - $ 992,450
The Town GAVE AWAY the buildings to a private company - $ 0
Does this make good financial sense?
Who benefits from this redevelopment opportunity?
The Town states in RDC Resolution 2021-06 that this endeavor is being done to:
"have a positive economic impact on the Town and its residents,
enhance the quality of life for its residents, and, is in the best interest of the citizens of the Town"
Has there been a positive economic impact on the Town and YOU from the Town spending money on this project?
Has YOUR quality of life been enhanced?
Was this in the best interest of YOU or the Town?
I ask these question because as the Town continues with the redevelopment of downtown and continues to purchase properties, continuing to spend money like it is unlimited, we are setting ourselves up to go broke.
Since March 2, 2023, we have taken on an additional $ 18.1 million dollars worth of debt obligations. We have over $ 373 million dollars worth of debt obligations. That's $ 10,793.68 per person who lives here.
And, where does the Town get most of it's money? From property taxes. So - as the Town continues to purchase properties, which have NO PROPERTY TAXES assessed on them, the taxes you pay on YOUR property goes up.
We need to tell our Town Council that spending needs STOP.